Aspire To Inspire Before Expire

Vaishnavi T
9 min readMay 8, 2021



“There is a way to do it better-find it.”

Newcomers and Innovation

Innovators are mostly newcomers. People and companies which arrive usually carry with them new technology, fresh ideas and a new way of solving problems. So in many ways technology actually favors the newcomer. Well aware of this fact, Microsoft Corporation has three Research Centers and six research labs located on different parts of the globe. Tens of computer scientists, sociologists, psychologists, mathematicians, physicists and engineers, cover over 55 areas of research for the sake of new software programs to keep them ahead and competitive in the market.

The danger for the pre existing individuals and organizations is that a whole new playfield governed by new rules is introduced. The latest innovation comes in to compete with old established one using its own rules that the incumbents do not understand. This is the kind of scenario that was envisaged by the Innovation Standard Model. This is where a brand new company comes along to replace and take over the niche of another one; and that competition tends to favor the newcomer. Importance of Innovation

Modern times are really challenging times to live in. News breaks out in Teheran and reaches all corners of the world an instant later. When the government there tries to use the age old technique of gagging the press, the internet interaction sites come in handy to help ordinary Iranians get the news out thus circumventing the government.

The example above shows us just how difficult it is to try and survive in a modern age with old ideas. Any government that wishes to retain control in modern times must keep abreast with changes in technology. The situation is even worse for a business organization competing with numerous others that have kept abreast with the times on such matters.

It is much worse for an individual employee in a company. The danger that new employees who are better informed on current issues may just come in and render him redundant, is always there. It is of great importance that such an employee be able to keep abreast with modern developments. Most employees will not, because they find the time tested path of routine easier and more reliable than the risky road to innovation. To console themselves, they tend to retreat into certain comfort zones.

Many employees also come face to face with the fact that their expertise has suddenly been rendered obsolete. In such a case if they were not making any serious effort to acquire other skills then they are declared redundant. Several people in the printing press industry are fast being put out of business by the computer. Departments like that have been declared superfluous in quite a number of organizations. In cases like this adapting new technology or innovating new ways of surviving may be the only way out for such individuals. The folly of not having adjusted to the computer whole there was still then comes out clearly.

Advantages of Innovation

As has been noted earlier, innovation is the doorway to progress in any field. Doing things in a new way not only allows industry to develop but also breaths in a fresh new lease of life into the world of entrepreneurship. Without it industry will stagnate and no new things will be there to be found. This kind of stagnation does not auger well for a human race that faces new and increasingly complex challenges in a world that does not bother to respect any kind of rules human beings would like to put for it.

Secondly, innovation enables workers to remain relevant in an ever changing work environment. New demands are place on their shoulders everyday which call for fresh new approaches. Employees who are not willing to take the gauntlet on this will surely soon find themselves becoming irrelevant and thus redundant.

Another thing is that there is a whole industry that runs purely on innovation. This is a mass employing industry that takes in all sorts of people including salespersons, broadcasters, sportspersons, researchers and even preachers. It is an industry abuzz with money that is reducing the problem of unemployment and enabling young people to learn large amounts of money. A cursory glance into the lifestyles of American Basketball players and Europe based footballers indicates just how much money they are earning and clearly proves why they are super earning superstars. Innovators brought advertisers and the media into the mix. The result was a fast expanding industry kept afloat by consumers who could not just resist products advertised by their favorite idols.

Another advantage is the way a huge market has been created for fast moving products that are easily perishable or disposable. This has resulted in sales that have pushed many organizations faster up the economic larder in the past two decades alone than it ever did before. There is a lot of money in circulation which has been put to use in more innovative ideas. With better and faster communication channels propped up by the fast innovations in technology, the market for products produced anywhere in the world can be found at the furthest corner at the touch of a button.

Another issue that is of paramount importance is that innovations have made the era of an information superhighway a reality. Apart from the rioters in Tehran, it is possible to know of job opportunities or research material in a country far away from ones own. Internet communication has enabled people to get employed without ever leaving the country, to have academic conference discussions with scholars across the world without ever leaving their own living rooms.


Most innovations end up in failure. The few that do succeed sometimes do not justify the cost of the investment put into the ones that fail. Research organizations charge large amounts of money to support their activities. In many companies a fully fledged research department with permanent employees is in place that continually carries out studies and what they need is just an assurance of continuous funding. This is cheaper than outsourcing. Sometimes people set off to research on one thing but end with something entirely different that does not add any value at all.

Innovations are very expensive. They use up a lot of resources which could be used for other pressing needs. The numerous excursions into outer space have cost trillions of dollars yet they have so far yielded very little that can further the cause of humanity so far. Many organizations find themselves in a situation where they invest so much in the field of research which sometimes ends up revealing nothing.

Innovation is also a high risk exercise that is replete with accidents and incurable diseases unlocked by the ever inquisitive nature of man. Allegations have been made that certain individuals must have performed experimented that bequeathed us with terrible problems in the past. Nuclear weapons caused damage to people in the Second World War which have transcended generations. The Russian Kalashnikov cannot bear to look at his innovation the AK 47 for all the damages it has done to humanity. Though he insists that he only had good intentions, some said thank you and immediately put the gun to use for performing evil tasks.


All factors considered, it is fairly difficult to live in the modern world without being ready to innovate or learn to use other people’s innovations. The only way to avoid redundancy altogether is to keep sharpening oneself through research, education, discussion and a little bit of experimentation. Claiming that one is too old does not work anymore since the world is changing at such a high speed that simply taking a break for one minute can be very costly.


“Aspire to inspire before you expire”

Aspiration means the drive or yearning to do something. Inspire is the ability to stimulate creative activity.

“Aspire to inspire” means the drive we to inspire ourselves and others, making a difference in everyone’s life. This is the divine power. This happens mostly to the people who are spiritually uplifted. Once the person aspires, he /she recognizes their capability to inspire others as well. This kind of person is a team player for he/she will boost more and keeps the momentum flowing. An aspiring individual is ambitious, hopeful and enthusiastic.

Many leave this planet with their music still inside them, and what a tragedy that is. Maybe, all they needed was someone to inspire them to believe in themselves and realize their potential.

How amazing it will be if you were the giver of that gift!!

To sum up the meaning of the phrase “aspire to inspire before you expire”, it simply means to positively influence and individual into action so that they fulfill their innermost desire before they die.

But do not forget to let the inspiration flow through you too experience an inspired and meaningful life.

Motivation Thought:

As sure as the sum will rise tomorrow and as sure as the winds will blow the mountains you will expire. Yes at one point in the future you will meet this fate and unfortunately stop to exist thereafter. There isn’t much you can do or say after death.

That is a fact no matter how stubborn and cold it comes out But there is something that needs to be done before that happens ,which is within you before you expire and that is within your sphere of influence.

YOU are everything to the world and yet we never talk about YOU but today is your lucky day in that we have dedicated today to YOU.

YOU are put on this earth for a purpose. YOU were wired with a brain to oversee the world ,its animals ,seas and environment .Humankind was put on earth to make a difference.

In fact we are tenants in that we have been positioned to watch this world until the day the Landlord comes back. There is no need to be negative can you imagine your child exhibiting negativity all day and all night.

Everything you do give it your all, Exhibit your talents for all to be inspired. Never ever sit on your talents and hope they will multiply on their own. You need to explore, dream and discover your talents to serve the world uniquely ,effectively and efficiently. Celebrate your competence and live your life to the fullest. Touch others people’s lives with your Talents. Donate your time, your talents and your resources to those in need.

Besides the inventor of developmental Infrastructure, there is also the dearth of availability of the creation of destructive material on this planet earth. It looks as if it is perhaps to maintain a balance in the nature of positive and negative forces for survival.

There are two types of people in this world, who are happy to give something to the world and the others are who feel more pleasure in taking more than that from the worldly affairs .Definitely, the first type of people who have will do something to achieve in their life and leave for the coming generations to enjoy.

An aspiring individual is ambitious ,hopeful and enthusiastic as well .Inspire on the other hand refers to the spirit of back-up as well as the ability to stimulate creative activity .It is definitely an internal spark needed to make things happen basically to come out of the four walls and get into action. An inspiring individual is always uplifting, exciting, thrilling, thought-provoking and motivates.

Rather we must honor the words of APJ Abdul Kalam -“I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one cannot aspire enough for success. We all have to work toward a definite future which can egg on and inspire people to change the world- a better place for the living than now. In my case, I am always inspired by friends and it is usually my own life experiences that inspire me.


The choice is definitely yours to be the inspiration for others

